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Occupational health and safety

Occupational Health and Safety Commitments and Values

Cranes Cranes
Avilés Port Authority acknowledges Occupational Health and Safety as an integral part of its company policy. In this sense, its main goal in these matters focuses on continuously improving work surroundings and conditions, thus efficiently contributing to the occupational well being of all those involved in performing their professional activity within the confines of port facilities and installations. This commitment is taken on from Management level and has its end goal in developing an integrated Occupational Health and Safety Management model that is completely and indivisibly at one with all port running processes.

The values on which this commitment is based are as follows:

  • Legal compliance as a basis for all Occupational Health and Safety related actions.
  • Efficient coordination of the different company activities that are carried out in the port service area, with the aim in mind of achieving maximum balance between safety and health for all of the employees involved and the satisfactory performance of the work in question.
  • Self-assessment capacity and putting into operation of corrective actions where necessary
  • Fostering effective channels of communication, both external with respect to clients, suppliers and any other interested party, as well as internal, in order to enable the effective transmission of Occupational Health and Risk commitments and goals, while at the same time receiving different standpoints that will contribute to enriching and improving Occupational Health and Safety
  • Training and informing all employees in order to promote the creation and establishment of a preventative mentality in each one of them.


Preventative Activities

The Prevention and Safety Area, as part of the human and material resources that the Avilés Port Authority has created to serve Occupational Health and Safety, is directly responsible for:
  • Continuous training in the field of Occupational Health and Safety
  • Measurement and control of work surroundings and conditions
  • Control of contractors' and other external employees work
  • Verification of work resources and procedures
  • Carrying out regular installations' inspections
  • Keeping up monitoring of employees health
  • Revision of risks, implementation of corrective measures and monitoring of plans of action
  • Company activities coordination implementation procedure
  • Maintenance of emergency response equipment and human resources
  • Development of technical procedures and instructions for particular critical activities.

Business activities coordination procedure

Article 132 of the Spanish Law 48/2003, concerning the Economic and Service Provision System for Ports of General Interest, confers the Port Authority the obligation to control the observance of the regulation relating to the coordination of business activities inside the port boundaries.

The Port Authority of Avilés has written and approved by its Board of Directors a “Procedure of coordination for business activities in the Port of Avilés”. It gives the ground to establish the minimum safety conditions that the companies working in the service zone of the port must adopt in order to prevent occupational risks derived from concurrence.

Its purpose is to provide workers in the area with safe working conditions. The compliance with this procedure means an important step to fight against work accident rates in the port community.


Instrucciones para la implantación del procedimiento

Riesgos Generales en la zona de servicio del Puerto de Avilés

Certificado de entrega de información a empresas

Certificado de entrega por modificación de riesgos

Certificado de entrega documentación Promotor/Contratista/Usuario

Certificado de entrega de documentación subcontratistas

Formato de entrega de riesgos a la Autoridad Portuaria