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Port Space Usage Plan

Pursuant to the Annex to Law 27/92 of 24th November concerning State Ports and the Merchant Navy, the Port of Avilés is a port of general interest where both national and international sea trade activities are carried out, and consequently, a commercial sea port that answers to the Spanish government.

According to Article 96 (1) of Law 48/2003 of 26th November concerning the Ports of General Interest Service Provision and Financial System (LREPSPIG), "the Ministry of Public Works will mark out a service area in state-owned ports that shall include the land and water spaces required to develop the port uses referred to in Article 94 (1) herein, the reserve spaces that ensure the possibility of carrying out port activity and those spaces that may be allocated to non-port use mentioned in aforesaid article. This marking-out exercise will be carried out via the Port Space Usage Plan". The marking-out of the service area will be done pursuant to the proposals put forward by the Port Authority in a Port Space Usage Plan that shall justify the need, or advisability, of the uses foreseen for the different port areas (Article 93 (3) LRESPIG).

"Port Space Usage Plans" serve two basic purposes:

1. to mark out the port service area based on a clear vision of the future

2. to set out the uses foreseen for the different port areas, which in turn represents a synthesis of the basic organisation of port use.

The approval of the Plan gives rise to the following effects:

1. "declaration of public utility for the purposes of expropriating private property and to recover operating concessions required to develop the plan, as well as the earmarking for port use of public property and assets in the service area of interest to the port." (Article 96 (5) LREPSPIG).

2. to regulate works on the superstructure and facilities that are carried out by port authorities in the public domain under their jurisdiction, given that, in the absence of a Special Plan, these must be compatible with port space usage plans (Article 19 (2) LPEMN).

3. "the operating licences that prove to be incompatible with the provisions of the port space usage plan must be adapted to fit in with same" (Article 98 (1) LREPSPIG).

Below is a summary of the surface areas that are currently included in the Port of Avilés service area:

Zone I. Port Waters Interior: 183.67 hectares
Zone II: Port Waters Exterior: 4,719.60 hectares
(Two-mile limit pursuant to the Ministerial Order of 23/12/66, Official State Gazette 27/1/67) (Annex 5)

Land Area: 175.55 hectares

Total Port of Avilés Service Area space: 5,078.82 hectares


This map indicates the land area spaces in orange